There is always a first time… We started our adventure by creating the Marlboro Music concept for Romania, back in the 90’s. A few years later, for the first time, all major radio stations broadcasted our new program, an integrated mix platform, – marketing & advertising, Pepsi Music, simultaneously, same hour, nationwide.
Not much later, we produced the first TV commercials for EU funds in Romania, teaming with the domino line fall world champions, Weijers Domino.
Another first time, we won the bid for the production and post-production for the first HBO original production series in Central and Eastern Europe , “In Deriva”, a localization of the famous “In Treatment” series. Since then, we produced almost 100 episodes, in a four years time frame… For the first time, a Romanian team filmed in Tuscany, for “When Shall We Kiss” series…
For “first time” on the local market: all details of production, post-production and finance of a project are presented in a secured communication and project management tool, a Film Factor proprietary concept.
There is always a first time. It could be your first time to …work with us!
Our production
meet us
Production team
Tino Furtuna
Big Chief
Andrei Pietrosel
Chief Prod
Daniel Mitran
Chief Special Projects
There are always special and interesting moments we share from our shooting days. A measure of the joy that makes us accomplish most difficult tasks, snap shots of intense moments of our lives.
January 28th
[An productie: 2018] 3 noutati din registrele Film Factor. In distributie: chefi din Orient pescuind prin Delta si un cascador aproape-inghetat
Un material din care aflam si despre intalnirea Film Factor cu agentia Marcel Paris si lantul hotelier Accor Ibis, proiect pentru care s-a filmat in zona Sibiului, cu figuratia a 300 de oi cu spirit de echipa si eroismul unui cascador aproape-inghetat.